Blog - what others say about RedZonkey experience

Written by Zonkies for active people


The Great RedZonkey Showdown: A Tale of Grit, Wit, and Tokens

Picture this: three mates, three ambitions, one competition. Our cast? Kije, the powerhouse with a penchant for rest days; Jamie, the latecomer with eyes on the prize; and Sam, the steady eddy aiming for consistent fitness. The stage? RedZonkey’s...

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Today, we're officially launching the RedZonkey iOS app!

Hey everyone! We're jumping off the walls with excitement here at RedZonkey HQ because today, we're officially launching the RedZonkey iOS app! Yes, you read that right! Our labor of love, the culmination of many sleepless nights and countless cups of coffee, is finally ready to step into the world. Kinda like sending your kid off to school for the first time...except this one's definitely going to make you sweat...

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Why Taking a Day Off from Exercise is the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Body (and Your Sanity)

Maintaining a regular fitness routine is an excellent way to stay healthy, boost your mood, and improve your overall quality of life. However, it's important to remember that exercise is just one piece of the puzzle. Adequate rest and recovery days are crucial for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle...

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From Couch Potato to Virtual Fitness Fanatic: How I Found My Tribe and Got My Sweat On

Once upon a time, I was a bona fide couch potato. My idea of exercise was reaching for the remote control or sprinting to the fridge during a commercial break. But one day, I had an epiphany: I was tired of feeling sluggish, unhealthy, and like a human-shaped potato. It was time for a change...

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The Battle of the Biceps: A Tale of Friendly Competition

Once upon a time, in the land of the weight room, there lived two friends, Tom and Jerry. Both were determined to achieve their fitness goals, but they had different approaches to their workouts. Tom was a steady, consistent lifter, while Jerry was always looking for a challenge and...

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