
Yannick Louis
Yannick Louis8,550 score View Profile
Jessica Mazza
Jessica Mazza8,550 score View Profile
ANAND V R8,506 score View Profile
Tomer Weizman
Tomer Weizman8,400 score View Profile
Julia Shturman
Julia Shturman8,147 score View Profile
Gabriel Peters
Gabriel Peters8,112 score View Profile
alan escobar
alan escobar8,061 score View Profile
Dustin Carver
Dustin Carver7,908 score View Profile
Daniel Pashkov
Daniel Pashkov7,759 score View Profile
Andrey Sheikin
Andrey Sheikin6,775 score View Profile
Graham Barber
Graham Barber6,522 score View Profile
Sandra K. Martindale
Sandra K. Martindale6,494 score View Profile
Kfir Marshak
Kfir Marshak5,543 score View Profile
Akshay Singh
Akshay Singh5,149 score View Profile
Оксана Фомичёва
Оксана Фомичёва4,801 score View Profile
Vineet Nair
Vineet Nair4,259 score View Profile
Berihan Ahmed
Berihan Ahmed3,961 score View Profile
Gary Huang
Gary Huang3,003 score View Profile
Elena G
Elena G2,518 score View Profile
Zehavit Avital
Zehavit Avital1,710 score View Profile
Suraj Shet
Suraj Shet1,350 score View Profile

Competition Rules

Enjoy the friendly competition with people all around the world. You can invite your friends to compete together, it is more fun. During the competition, you all earn points by filling your Activity rings. You get a point for every percent that you add to your rings each day, and you can earn up to 450 points a day. Don’t forget to use rest bonuses, because recovery after a good workout is important as workout self. Whoever has the most points at the end of the competition wins. When the competition is complete, you earn an award. You can win 640 coins*

About the Competition

Embark on a thrilling fitness journey with 'Journey Jolt'! Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of St. Mary Lake and the awe-inspiring grandeur of Glacier National Park. This event isn't just about pushing your fitness limits, it's about experiencing the jolt of energy, the joy of progress, and the exhilaration of competition. Are you ready to take on this adventure? Let's ignite the spark and charge towards victory, one activity ring at a time!