
Denis Novik
Denis Novik8,550 score View Profile
Dustin Carver
Dustin Carver8,550 score View Profile
ANAND V R8,550 score View Profile
Maya Pashkov
Maya Pashkov8,466 score View Profile
Daniel Pashkov
Daniel Pashkov8,234 score View Profile
Samatha Morgan
Samatha Morgan7,947 score View Profile
Julia Shturman
Julia Shturman7,892 score View Profile
Channing Corrington
Channing Corrington7,451 score View Profile
Giancarlo Albarello
Giancarlo Albarello5,703 score View Profile
Lisander Otero claudio
Lisander Otero claudio5,463 score View Profile
Colton Lee
Colton Lee5,285 score View Profile
Andrey Sheikin
Andrey Sheikin4,812 score View Profile
Аделина Натанова
Аделина Натанова4,018 score View Profile
Sofiia Marysh
Sofiia Marysh2,853 score View Profile
Diogo Rozeira
Diogo Rozeira1,677 score View Profile

Competition Rules

Kick off your New Year with our global fitness challenge! Invite friends for more fun and compete worldwide. Earn points by filling your Activity rings – up to 450 points daily. Remember, rest is as crucial as the workout itself. Use rest bonuses wisely. The top scorer wins the challenge and earns 640 coins*. Embrace your New Year's resolutions and triumph in fitness!

About the Competition

Explore the winter magic of St. Mary Lake at Glacier National Park! Embrace cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and breathtaking hikes. Experience the serene beauty of snow-laden landscapes and tranquil forests. Perfect for adventure and tranquility seekers. Gear up for a memorable winter journey!