
Ibrahim Nazroo
Ibrahim Nazroo8,550 score View Profile
Denis Novik
Denis Novik8,550 score View Profile
sasha rojkovski
sasha rojkovski8,550 score View Profile
Dustin Carver
Dustin Carver8,550 score View Profile
Serkan Simsir
Serkan Simsir8,550 score View Profile
Julia Shturman
Julia Shturman8,448 score View Profile
Maya Pashkov
Maya Pashkov8,320 score View Profile
Daniel Pashkov
Daniel Pashkov8,014 score View Profile
Daniel Carrero
Daniel Carrero6,995 score View Profile
Robert A
Robert A6,647 score View Profile
Angel Glennon
Angel Glennon6,173 score View Profile
Аделина Натанова
Аделина Натанова5,484 score View Profile
Jeffrey Highsmith
Jeffrey Highsmith4,955 score View Profile
Mark Aziakou
Mark Aziakou4,927 score View Profile
ANAND V R4,271 score View Profile
Michaela Budge
Michaela Budge3,982 score View Profile
LIMHI MONTOYA3,954 score View Profile

Competition Rules

Dive deeper into our global event, where you're already making waves! Enhance your experience with the support of our AI Personal Coach, a tool designed to fine-tune your fitness journey. As you know, in this engaging competition, your daily fitness activities earn you points - one point for every percent added to your Activity rings, up to 450 points a day. But it's not all about exertion; strategic rest is equally important. Use your rest bonuses to balance effort and recovery. The aim remains clear: gather the highest point total by the competition's end. And remember, there's more than just pride at stake – an exclusive award of 450 coins* is up for grabs. Keep pushing your limits in this thrilling blend of fitness, strategy, and fun, with your AI Coach guiding you every step of the way!

About the Competition

As November's crisp air blankets the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, I find myself amidst a tranquil oasis on Virginia's Eastern Shore. This time of year, the refuge transforms into a spectacular stage for the autumnal migration. Flocks of birds, in their intricate formations, traverse the sky, a testament to nature's remarkable journey. The famous Chincoteague ponies, in their shaggy winter coats, graze calmly against a backdrop of rich, amber marshes and the subdued greens of pine forests. The cooler temperatures bring a serene quietude to the beaches and trails, offering a unique perspective of this untouched haven. Each step through this autumnal wonderland is a moment of reflection and awe, a peaceful communion with nature's enduring beauty.